The People's Assembly

Inspired by the “People’s assembly” campaign which exposes the true impacts of a Tory government; giving people a voice, and fighting against austerity.

Standing for a fairer economy, better and fairer jobs, fairness and justice and ultimately securing a sustainable future. You can read the full manifesto online here;

Sunday 8 November 2015

“The People’s perspective” 

-The aim of this blog sheds light on the otherwise unheard perspective of honest, hard working people, fighting below the breadline. Here are some of my own experiences, exploration of other’s experiences and insights to events taking place throughout the UK.
Inspired by the People’s assembly campaign which exposes the true impacts of a Tory government; giving people a voice, and fighting against austerity.
Standing for a fairer economy, better and fairer jobs, fairness and justice and ultimately securing a sustainable future. You can read the full manifesto online here;

The fight from the peoples perspective, one you could be involved in.

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