The People's Assembly

Inspired by the “People’s assembly” campaign which exposes the true impacts of a Tory government; giving people a voice, and fighting against austerity.

Standing for a fairer economy, better and fairer jobs, fairness and justice and ultimately securing a sustainable future. You can read the full manifesto online here;

Monday 23 November 2015


SAVING OUR NHS – Junior doctors are making a stand against the government as they propose a contract that is UNFAIR and UNSAFE.  Junior doctors voted overwhelmingly with a turnout of 76.2% with 98% in favor of striking for the first time in 40 years, they are taking on the government and it is our duty to support them , this is everyone's fight.

  “Not safe not fair” 11th November Manchester cathedral

“The first steps have been taken towards the PRIVATIZATION of our beloved NHS”- Eye opening words given by Julie Hesmondhalgh, yet ultimately the reality of the future facing the NHS.

Manchester cathedral, the atmosphere at the demonstration was one of unity, between every age, gender, shape, colour, and profession; a feeling of solidarity with every individual under that roof. A sense of strength, as the echoing claps and cheers flood out into the streets of Manchester, a message to the Tories….


“Not safe not fair”- What’s it all about?

A new junior doctor contract has been proposed and my, what a shambles. A number of exciting speakers at the demonstration taught us basically what is happening

  1. Redefining hours, 7AM-10PM MON-SAT, no social hours, MORE stressful hours, they are brewing a recipe for disaster, “SHOW ME THE MP THAT DOES THESE HOURS” Junior doctors demand answers to these Inhumane propositions. 
  2. Scrapping safeguarding, therefore there is no protection for us... the underlying fact is TIRED nurses and doctors make mistakes, we are all human! Without safeguarding this spirals all safety down the plughole.
  3. The contract looks like its been put together by an accounts manager, a bin man, a builder and a couple of solicitors, or perhaps put together in 15 minutes by a bunch of A-level fashion students who haven’t done their coursework. This is not on; this is people we are dealing with, not bloody cross-stitch.

The Changes;

Tutor of junior doctors in Inner Manchester;
“I am fighting for my patients, for rich, for poor, for man, woman,  or child….
These changes are AUSTERITY and leading towards PRIVATIZATION of the NHS.
Mr Hunt, my patients will be afraid to ask for help, as propaganda will tell them they will die. Do not tell my patients what they need, listen to what they want.”

Powerful words from a powerful woman.   

STRIKE ACITION; 98% in favour

Subject to the ballot which closed on the 18th of November junior doctors in England will strike on the following three dates;

·                                 Emergency care only — from 8am, Tuesday 1 December to 8am Wednesday 2 December
·                                 Full withdrawal of junior doctors' labour — from 8am to 5pm, Tuesday 8 December
·                                 Full withdrawal of junior doctors' labour — from 8am to 5pm, Wednesday 16 December.

What do the strikes mean for you?

 Industrial action is NOT taken lightly, in the long term patient safety is at the heart of this battle, if a fairer contract is agreed this will ensure a positive future for us all.
Question yourself- what would we do without doctors?... the strikes if anything make you REALIZE how much we rely on doctors, and the pure fact we are nothing without them, we need them , please support them.

But don’t worry, patient safety will not be jeopardized, only junior doctors are striking, therefore other doctor colleagues will ensure patient safety.

The peoples assembly supports this stand against a government which is “damaging communities and punishing the poor”, strike action is sending a powerful message to the government as WE make a stand,  WE being anyone that believes in the NHS...please support them

            GET INVOLVED-  

Download, tweet, email , write to MPS, this is everyone’s NHS, everyone's fight.

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