The People's Assembly

Inspired by the “People’s assembly” campaign which exposes the true impacts of a Tory government; giving people a voice, and fighting against austerity.

Standing for a fairer economy, better and fairer jobs, fairness and justice and ultimately securing a sustainable future. You can read the full manifesto online here;

Thursday 10 December 2015



The nation needs to wake up to the reality of this toxic Tory government. 
David Cameron's drive to a new imperialist war... A decision of hate and greed made by the cold blood of the big wigs up top. The reasons for this war are becoming more and more revealing, they want to sit there wig at the table,  to get involved, to kill.

WHERE was our choice?
OUR say?

You’re choosing whether to go to war,  not choosing what type of eggs to have in the morning Cameron. This war needs to stop, the same mistakes cannot be made  again, along with strapping Cameron to one of the rockets launched into Syria, I second that motion. 
It is time to WAKE up people, time to act , will it take our own hometowns, the loss of our own friends before people stop bowing down to this government.

How can we stop this war? After attending The People’s Assembly “Stop the war” demonstration last Saturday in London, i received simple answers on what action WILL be taken to stop this war 

I received simple answers from this…

1. It is down to the PEOPLE to act

2. THE NEWS is an issue; we face a pro-capitalist media, attacking us on the left and supporting toxic Tory rule, hence next to no coverage of the thousands of people protesting against David Cameron’s drive to a new imperialist war...around 5,000 people joined an emergency protest outside downing street last Saturday. Where was the coverage?  If people do not understand or see the true extent of the problem, nothing will happen; look beyond The Sun, BBC News and Daily Star, it would take you less time to sign a petition that could change the world than voting for your favorite dancing dog on Britain's Got Talent.
Underlying this issue is a statement I am sure most of us can agree on
-         WAR has never been and never will be the answer.

Therefore…  YOU MATTER

One thing I noticed about the Paris attacks aftermath was the PEOPLE’S response... the amazing unity felt between us all.
Waking us up to a world that is falling apart in all corners, it is only now as the war creeps closer to us, we begin to open our eyes. The towers and towns we all find so familiar, urging us to unite together as human beings.
You changed you profile picture on Facebook for a reason, because you CARE…
You don’t have to care about POLITICS,
It’s about having a HEART, about caring for each and every one of us, whether Muslim, Syrian,  English, we are all human.
If people can come together we can save the world from drowning in hate, greed, murder, and create peace.

WHAT can you do?                           

Stop the war petition –


Stop bombing Syria, National demonstration
When? Saturday 12th December, assemble 12 noon
Where? BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, W1A 1AA
March to Downing Street for rally and speeches

Local-> Events are being held all over the county
Stop the war, March for peace in Hanley

LOBBY your MP-
Speak to, write to your MP, express your concerns, find out more here-

Other useful links;
Stop the war coalition-

The People’s Assembly-

This is everyone’s fight
“If you have chosen solidarity in times of injustice, you have chosen the oppressor”

Andrew Murray, the leader of the STOP THE WAR coalition revealed that One Brimstone rocket fired into Syria costs £105,000, £175,000 including research.
“If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people” – Tony Benn

I will leave that thought with you.